
painted rugs died and painted with special mediums that die the fiber and stay bright and colored as in a died yarn. the color is sped as watercolor with a brush or by dripping, even hands or other improvised tools . they can be dry clean (recommended) or washing machine. Cotton, silk or wool yarn. Inspired also by Mark Rothko and Paul Klee. Maximum  yarn 300 cm. Logo means  “Joy” in Japanese.

Simonetta-Letto-Rosso-mail Simonetta-Solo-una-Stella1Runner Beige White venduto Purple 50x80 2 copy Pink Runner 0 copy m Fish-LIght-Blue-50x80 Eggplant Flowers 50x80 5 copy m Burgundy Flowers 50x80 3 copy 2 Blue-White-Batik-50x80 copy Blue Rothko Wash 50x80 1 copy Blue 2 50x80 copy 50x80 nero drip-W 50x60 Gray dri -W 60x100 Black and White copy m IMG_7430 IMG_7429 Tappetino bagno Anna-W Alice 4-WIMG_7463-WRug-Beige-and-MagentaRosso Drip Bagno1-WSimobetta-red-PeachRed-India-Simonettta-Alfaro-2Afro-Runner-Beige-50x180IMG_6328-W IMG_6317-WMoi Rothko Cipolla 150x80 Ciniglia di Cotone e CotoneKlee-Puntaldia-Colorato-2013-WKlee-Gray-Pibbiones-WKlee Turquoise Piggiones DITINTI WRed-Klee-TAD-Trevi-3


Rothko-Blues Blye Wash--9 Green Klee Boiled Wool Klee-Torquoise- Basquiat Moi-Angela-H Depliant-1-WEB2 Depliant-2-bis-WEB Depliant-3-bis.-WEBjpg Depliant-WEB Depliant-22-WEB Depliant-10-WEB Depliant-7-bis-WEB Depliant-5-bis-WEB Depliant-4-bisss-WEB Depliant-8 Depliant 9 Blue Cenille Detail 50x80 Ciniglia di Cotone e Cotone  Depliant 4-biss